luni, 22 iunie 2009

Invitation to......

1st of July: 18:00-21:00

- Presentation about Romania

- Lecturer in Romanian language for the Institute of Romanic Languages, misses Radoslawa Janowska-Lascăr will talk about „The Polish people from Romania”

- Movie night: “Filantropica” (Philantropy)

Directed by Nae Caranfil, it is a comedy about a man attempting to live beyond his means and who is finding an unexpected way to earn easy money.

location: club Pod Kolumnami (pl. Macieja nr 21)

2nd of July: starting at 19:00

- Romanian cuisine- just come and taste our delicious traditional meals

- Multimedia experience through which you can discover by your own Romania...yes, it’s can choose by your own exactly what you want to find about Romania

- Romanian music presented in a special way :)....and a live mini-concert held by Radoslawa Lascăr, a Romanian-polish musician. If you want to „taste” better the Romanian music, just bring your mp3 and your data cable, and you will see another type of presenting music...through „silent disco :).

location: the playground near House of Peace Foundation (pl Macieja 4/5/6, you enter through the gang and you will see the playground)

contact: 880308211,

organizer: Daniela Tache- European Volunteer in House of Peace Foundation

(Fundacja Dom Pokoju)