duminică, 8 martie 2009

Why EVS, why Poland?

As an introduction to my blog, I think this is the moment when I must reveal to you a big secret regarding the answer to the question : “Why EVS, why Poland”? Well....I like to make little and innocent jokes, and I can tell you that everything happened to me regarding EVS and the location of my project, was spontaneous. In a way or another, as a famous writer was telling us...when you really want to do something, all the universe conspires for that wish. As a better explanation on this decision, I can say that I like to be a volunteer and to help everyone that needs my help. This fact made me to gain experiences in different domains and to wear a little back-pack filled with memories and stories :). I think this is the short answer to the first question....why EVS. The second answer is that in my case, the project has found me, so it wasn’t me the one to discover it :). Karolina, the coordinator of the project, needed a Romanian to fill in the missing spot of the “Beyond the borders - between the cultures” team...so here I am :).

I am really happy that my location for the project is Wroclaw. Walking through the city makes me love it more and more :).

Just remember: what you hear, you forget.....what you see, you don’t remember...what you

DO....you understand :).

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